D.M. Management Consultants
DMMC is led by Dr. Peter Tomkins, our Chief Executive, and we have a team of client trained key Directors/Specialist Practitioners. Peter is a recent President of the UK Institute of Management Consultancy (FIMC/CMC), Senior Trustee of the world consultancy body (ICMCI), a Chartered Marketer (FCIM), a member of the Institute of Direct Marketing and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Marketors. He serves/has served on many of the key boards/bodies within the DM field; viz. the (B)DMA, the IDM, the IDM Fair, the Montreux Symposium etc. Additionally he is a visiting Professor/Lecturer in DM/CRM/e-commerce at several business schools/other training bodies.

DMMC are founder members of the Richmond Group Consortium of Management Consultants. Peter/DMMC have contributed to a broad spectrum of management/marketing publications over the past 20 years including the marketing section of the recent book "How to be your own Management Consultant" (Kogan Page Publishers, 2000). He is also an NED/Trustee/Chairman of a number of other companies and National Charities/Public Bodies.
DMMC operates within the various prevailing codes of practice/discipline including those mandated by the IMC, the CIM, the DMA and the Institute of Management.